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应用样方调查法,调查分析了广东潮安凤凰山省级自然保护区内次生林群落的物种组成和植物多样性特点。在两个面积为1200 m2的调查样地内,共记录了112种维管植物,隶属于48科77属。群落的优势科为茜草科、山茶科和樟科。乔木层优势种为阿丁枫(Altingia chinensis)、尖叶假蚊母树(Distyliopsis dunnii)、木荷(Schima superba)、硬斗石栎(Lithocarpus hancei)和鼠刺(Itea chinensis)等,灌木层优势种为苗仔竹(Schizostachyum dumetorum)、尖叶假蚊母树(Distyliopsis dunnii)和木荷(Schima superba)等,草本层优势种为芒萁(Dicranopteris pedata)、黑莎草(Gahnia tristis)和芒草(Miscanthus sinensis)等。不同的样地,其林木密度和胸高断面积也不同,以样地II的群落结构更为成熟,林木平均株高和平均胸径较大。样地I乔木层和草本层物种丰富度、多样性和均匀度较高,后者的灌木层物种丰富度和多样性较高。两个林分的草本层植物均较贫乏。与大面积的人工林相比,凤凰山次生林的植物资源较丰富,建议加强对这些次生残林的保护,促进区域性生态资源的恢复和发展。
关键词:   次生残林 植物多样性 群落结构 潮州 凤凰山
Floristic diversity and dominant species of the secondary forest on Fenghuangshan, Chaozhou, Guangdong
The composition and floristic diversity of the vascular plants of the well-protected secondary forest on Fenghuangshan were investigated by plot method. A total of 112 vascular plants were recorded in the 2 plots of 1200m2, which belong to 48 families and 77 genera. The dominant families are Rubiaceae, Theaceae, and Lauraceae. The dominant species of the canopy layers are Altingia chinensis, Distyliopsis dunnii, Schima superba, Lithocarpus hancei, and Itea chinensis. The dominant species of the shrub layers are Schizostachyum dumetorum, Distyliopsis dunnii, and Schima superba. The dominant species of the herbal layers are Dicranopteris pedata, Gahnia tristis, and Miscanthus sinensis. The tree densities and basal areas varied with the plots. The Stand II is more mature with higher tree height and diameter at the breast height. The species richness, diversity, and evenness of the canopy layer are higher in the stand I. While those of the shrub layer in the stand II are higher. Both stands are low diversity in the herbal layers. By comparison with large area of man-made plantations, the floristic diversity of the secondary forests on Fenghuangshan is higher. It is necessary to enhance the protection of the relic secondary forests and enhance the rehabilitation and development of the regional ecological resources.
Key words:   Relic secondary forest; Species diversity; Community structure; Chaozhou; Fenghuangshan