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韶关国家森林公园位于广东省韶关市南郊,公园中心区地理位置为 113° E,24° N。根据调查 统计和分析,该公园有野生维管植物 588 种,隶属于 128 科、379 属。科、属、种的地理成分分析结果 显示:在种子植物中,科的热带性成分占 71.43%,其中以泛热带成分为主(59.52%);属热带性成分占 72.84%,其中以泛热带分布最多(33.55%);在蕨类植物中,热带性质的科占 66.67%,其中以泛热带分 布为主(52.38%);热带性质的属占 80.00%,其中以泛热带分布最多(50.00%)。该区系的优势科主要有 菊科、禾本科、蝶形花科和大戟科等,它们大多为世界分布科和泛热带分布科。
关键词:   韶关国家森林公园;维管植物;种子植物;蕨类植物;植物区系
The Floristic Analysis of Shaoguan National Forest Park
kong hua qing,Huang Zhangping,deng huan ran,qiu ying hua and wu lin fang
Forestry Resources Mange Station of Guangdong Province,The Administration Office of Shaoguan National Forest Park,Guangzhou Linfang Ecological Technology Co., Ltd.,Shaoguan National Forest Park of Guangdong Province,Guangzhou Linfang Ecological Technology Co., Ltd.
Shaoguan National Forest Park is located in the south of Shaoguan, Guangdong Province, at 113°E, 24°N. According to our investigations and analyses, there are 588 species of wild vascular plants in Shaoguan National Forest Park, belonging to 379 genera in 128 families. Based on their geographical distribution, 128 families of seed plants are classified into 9 areal types, among them the tropical elements make up 71.43%, and pantropical element is dominant (59.52%). 379 genera are classified into 13 areal types, among them the tropical elements make up 72.84%, and pantropical element is dominant (33.55%); 21 families of ferns are classified into 4 areal types, among them the tropical elements make up 66.67%, and pantropical element is dominant (52.38%). 30 genera are classified into 7 areal types, among them the tropical elements make up 80.00%, and pantropical element is dominant (50.00%). The dominant families in this park are Compositae, Poaceae, Papilionaceae, Euphorbiaceae, etc. Most of them are pantropical and cosmopolitan.
Key words:   Shaoguan National Forest Park; vascular plant; seed plant; fern; flora